Poultry Health Care

Providing your chickens with appropriate housing, nutrition, and enrichment can go a long way towards keeping them happy and healthy.  However, even with the best conditions and care, it is still possible for them to develop medical conditions. That’s why it’s so important to have a good plan in place for keeping parasites and infectious disease under control as well as regularly monitoring your chickens for signs they may be getting sick.


Routine Care Procedures

Chickens are generally pretty low maintenance when it comes to grooming and care, but there are a few things we can do to help keep their bodies in top condition.


Health Checks

It is important to examine your birds on a regular basis to check for signs of illness.  The sooner we can pick up problems, the easier they are to manage.



Biosecurity means all the measures we take to prevent parasites and infectious from spreading between birds. Stopping diseases from getting into your flock is always better than trying to get them out.



Internal and external parasites are common causes of illness in backyard chicken flocks that we can control through good management and strategic use of medications.


Infectious Diseases

New Zealand is to be free from many pathogens that affect poultry worldwide, but there are still a few we need to watch out for. Find out how you can protect your birds.