Predator & Pest Control

We’re fortunate in New Zealand that there are fewer poultry predators and pests than other countries.  However, there are still many animals we would like to keep away from our chickens and their eggs.

In the Coop & Run Style page, we already covered some tips on setting up the run enclosure with appropriate fencing and netting to keep unwanted animals out.  In this section, we will briefly touch on the main predators in New Zealand and a checklist of additional measures you can take to make sure your flock is safe.

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Hawks, falcons, and dogs are the most likely culprits for chickens that have gone missing or been seriously injured. Cats will usually not attack adult chickens, but may be tempted by smaller chicks.  The other small mammal species are often to blame for missing eggs.  Mice and rats can be a nuisance getting into spilled feeds.

Predator Control

Here are some additional things to check to make sure your chickens are safe: