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It is important for chickens to have the right amount of space inside the coop and run to minimise their stress, prevent bad behaviours, and keep them healthier. If the space is too small, chickens may start to bully or peck each other. It is also much more difficult to keep overcrowded coops and runs clean, which can quickly lead to problems with disease, parasites, and poor air quality.
The total floor space you need for your coop and run will depend on several factors including:
Always check your local regulations before buying or building any coop.
There are a range of estimates out there for ideal coop size. According to the Code of Welfare (Layer Hens) which mainly applies to commercial production systems, you can house no more than 7 hens per m2 in a barn if they are kept inside all the time and no more than 9 hens per m2 if they have outdoor access.
The following table has general guidelines on the minimum space requirements for backyard poultry based on the breed of chickens you own and how much time they will be spending inside the coop:
In general, the bigger the coop the better especially since many new chicken owners end up expanding their flocks. If you have the space on your property and a flexible budget, it is best if you can allow at least 1 m2 per bird of floor space inside the coop.
Similarly, chickens need plenty of outdoor space to perform their normal behaviours of foraging, exercising, dust bathing, and interacting with world around them for mental stimulation.
Whether you have an enclosed run or open yard, chickens will need a minimum of at least 1 to 1.5 m2 per bird. Ideally, you want at least 3 m2 per bird if your property and budget allow it.