Poultry Environment

Chickens need a safe and secure environment to protect them against the weather, predators, and injury.  This includes providing them with a coop (an indoor area containing nest boxes and roosting spots) and access to the outdoors through either a run (smaller enclosed area) or a yard (larger open area) that gives them a protected space for exercise, pecking, foraging, and dust bathing.   In this section, we will cover all the essentials of setting up good housing and environments for your birds.


Coop & Run Size

Chickens need an appropriate amount of space inside their coop and run to prevent problems associated with overcrowding.


Coop & Run Style

Coops and runs come in all different sizes, shapes, and styles.  Learn how to choose one that meets your chickens’ needs while also fitting into yours.


Coop & Run Location

Not only is it important to choose the right size and style of housing for your flock, but where you place it on your property can also impact comfort for them and convenience for you. 


Nest Boxes

With the outside of your coop now sorted, it’s time to move on to interior design making sure your birds have comfortable nest boxes to lay their eggs.

Sick Birds

After a hard day’s work laying eggs and foraging for food, your chickens want a comfortable roost where they can get some much needed rest.


Dust Baths

When you are a chicken, getting dirty in the dust is an essential part of keeping clean. Learn how to set up an appropriate dust bath for your flock.


Litter Management

Did you know that chickens produce droppings about 12 to 15 times every day? Learn more about managing waste inside your coop to keep your chickens healthy.


Climate Control

Chickens are sensitive to changes in the temperature, lighting, air quality, and humidity in their environment, which means our management plans need to change with the season.


Predator & Pest Control

In this section, we will take a final look at how you can keep your chickens and eggs safe from predators and pests that want to do them harm.